Tuesday 13 November 2012

production schedule

Front Cover:


Firstly, I will take my photo for my front cover on a purple back ground using a projector, however if this doesn’t look effective then I will take the picture anywhere and crop out and change the background using the computer program Photoshop . For my front cover I will use Paige Singer and she will be dressed all in black and have gold accessories, with dark eye makeup and red/pink lipstick and gold jewellery and I will have a close up image of her with the main cover line written over it in gold. I will also have a smaller image of the new boy band which I will take on a zebra crossing and they will all be wearing similar costumes that they would have at home. Then there will be an image in the top right hand corner of the front cover advertising a free poster of Sophia grant and there will be a image just of her face smiling because we don’t want to give too much away I want them to be intrigued by what they see to make them buy the magazine and read it.


Contents page:


Then after I have done the front cover I will do the contents page and I will have three images going down the right hand side of the page and one image will be of my new celebrity Jasmine Murray (Paige singer) and she will be wearing the same as on the front cover in order to make sure that people still recognise her and another one will be of a brand new boy band and I will use Adam, Shane, Liam and Isaac to be the new boy band that have just got together and they will all be wearing smart casual clothing so like jeans and blazers. For my last image on the contents page I will have Abbie posing as the hot new poster of teen sensation Sophia grant and Abbie will be wearing tight wet look leggings that are black and a black crop top on a purple back ground. I will need a camera and a projector and a screen for this as well as the costumes and makeup. Abbie will have eye shadow and red blusher on and bright pink/red lipstick on, with lots of silver jewellery.


Double page spread:


For the double page I will use Paige again because she is the one who is being jasmine Murray and on one side of the double page spread I will take a long shot or a medium long shot of her happy and enjoying her new famous life she will be wearing something glamorous and expensive looking. I will have her on a red carpet scene to show her famous life. Then contrasting with that image on the other page I will have her wearing quite casual clothing that she used to wear before she became famous but show her looking a little sad because she doesn’t have much privacy and cant to the things that she used to be able to do. As well as this I will have another image on the top of the double page spread of jasmine and her two best friends which will be me and Abbie and we will be walking through a shopping centre with lots of bags in our hands and sunglasses on with our hand above our eyes and Aiden will be pretending to be a photographer from the press. So I will need more than one camera. This shows that we can’t go anywhere without being noticed.



·         Shopping bags

·         Sunglasses

·         Gold jewellery

·         Silver jewellery



·         Foundation

·         Red blusher

·         Pink and red lipstick

·         Dark eye shadow

·         Mascara



·         2 cameras

·         Projector

·         White screen



·         2 pairs of Black wet look leggings

·         Black top with gold on it

·         Black crop top

·         2 blazers

·         4 pairs of jeans

·         4 tops

·         4 pairs of trainers/shoes

·         Dress

·         High heels

·         3 day to day outfits


Overall, when we are doing the photo shoot if I can’t get the background that I want e.g. the red carpet, shopping centre and the zebra crossing then I will just edit them in using Photoshop.  

Draft Article

The Up’s and Down’s of Fame!

Jasmine Murray, 18, the new found pop artist, talks exclusively to ‘Faze’ magazine about how she is finding fame. She first started out by just posting her videos on line on you tube, and she became a massive hit. Jasmine then got asked to appear on the Xtra Factor and that’s how she is recognised today. We did a short interview with jasmine to see how she is enjoying her new life.

Interviewer: how has your life changed since you were asked to go on the Xtra Factor?

Jasmine: it’s amazing, I love it! I’m now getting asked to go to premiers of movies, and people are recognising me when I go out places and fans are screaming my name. It’s like a dream!

“I’m so excited and all my family are behind me!”


Interviewer: have you always dreamed of being a famous singer?

Jasmine: I always wanted to be a singer from when I was just a little girl and now my childhood dream has come true and I have been asked to perform live on the X factor on Saturday night! I’m so excited and all of my family are behind me!      

Interviewer: when does your single come out?

Jasmine: it is available to pre order on I-tunes now, I really enjoyed designing the cover for my album and recording my single it’s just the start for me.

Interviewer: are you still doing your a-levels at school or have you put them on hold?

Jasmine: oh, I am still doing them I am just finding it hard now to concentrate because everyone treats me differently now I’m famous I don’t really like it when I’m at school because I still want to enjoy my school years like a normal teenager!

“I need some privacy!”

Interviewer: do you still act and do things like a teenager?

Jasmine: well I haven’t been able to go to town or the cinema or out for a meal with my friends because everywhere I go people are shouting my name and treating me like I’m famous and I know that I am now but I miss the old days when I could just go out with my friends and enjoy myself without the press taking photos of me. I need some privacy! 

Friday 9 November 2012

Research Genre

From looking at different pop magazines I can clearly see that some of the codes and conventions of pop music magazines are…
House style and target audience:  as we can see there seems to be girly colours used throughout e.g. pink and purple. This appeals to the female audience, also we can tell this by the images that have been used as they are of Britney and Preston which are artists that appeal to women rather than men.
Masthead: the masthead of both of these magazines have been written in pink which relates to the rest of the house style and colour scheme on ‘smashhits’ we can see that it has a white backdrop which makes it stand out from the pink background; followed by the ‘top of the pops’ magazine which has been outlined in purple.
Main cover image: as we can see on both magazines that the main cover image is the largest thing on the page this is to draw in the reader’s attention as that is the first thing that you see.

On the front cover of pop magazines there is normally either one image at medium close up, or the front cover is quite busy and full on with lots of images and text and bright colours.

School Magazine

Mood Board

Research on pop music

Pop music is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll. The terms popular music and pop music are often used interchangeably, even though the former is a description of music which is popular (and can include any style), whilst the latter is a specific genre containing qualities of mass appeal.

As a genre, pop music often borrows elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks.

Pop music has been created to be pleasurable to listen to and not have that much meaning behind the song and lyrics.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Pre-Production Proposal

As part of our AS coursework in media we have to design and make our own music magazine. We have to design a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. I have decided to do my music magazine on the music genre pop. Therefore inside my magazine I will be including articles on all different pop artists e.g. Beyoncé, One Direction etc. On the front cover of magazine I intend to have Beyoncé replica all dressed in black and then to have my cover story written in gold; ‘The new Beyoncé?’ all on a purple background then my double page spread will be an article on this new up and coming star. I will have a long shot of her on one side of the page being happy and on the other page there will be another longshot of her being upset and the article will be about the ups and downs of fame.  As we can see from this my target audience will be teenagers to young adults this is because I feel like there is a gap in the market as most companies go for either or, not both.

In the research process I looked into different magazines to see how they had everything laid out and looked at the house style to see if it carried on all the way through the magazine. I then looked into the main cover image like how the images have been taken, how they are laid out on the page and the type of images used. I compared different pop magazines that are already out there like, top of the pops and we love pop to make sure I am including the right information.

To make my magazine I will be using state of the art cameras, laptops/computers where I will hire out a suite, Photoshop and other major design programs. For this project I will have a budget of £5000.