Tuesday 13 November 2012

Draft Article

The Up’s and Down’s of Fame!

Jasmine Murray, 18, the new found pop artist, talks exclusively to ‘Faze’ magazine about how she is finding fame. She first started out by just posting her videos on line on you tube, and she became a massive hit. Jasmine then got asked to appear on the Xtra Factor and that’s how she is recognised today. We did a short interview with jasmine to see how she is enjoying her new life.

Interviewer: how has your life changed since you were asked to go on the Xtra Factor?

Jasmine: it’s amazing, I love it! I’m now getting asked to go to premiers of movies, and people are recognising me when I go out places and fans are screaming my name. It’s like a dream!

“I’m so excited and all my family are behind me!”


Interviewer: have you always dreamed of being a famous singer?

Jasmine: I always wanted to be a singer from when I was just a little girl and now my childhood dream has come true and I have been asked to perform live on the X factor on Saturday night! I’m so excited and all of my family are behind me!      

Interviewer: when does your single come out?

Jasmine: it is available to pre order on I-tunes now, I really enjoyed designing the cover for my album and recording my single it’s just the start for me.

Interviewer: are you still doing your a-levels at school or have you put them on hold?

Jasmine: oh, I am still doing them I am just finding it hard now to concentrate because everyone treats me differently now I’m famous I don’t really like it when I’m at school because I still want to enjoy my school years like a normal teenager!

“I need some privacy!”

Interviewer: do you still act and do things like a teenager?

Jasmine: well I haven’t been able to go to town or the cinema or out for a meal with my friends because everywhere I go people are shouting my name and treating me like I’m famous and I know that I am now but I miss the old days when I could just go out with my friends and enjoy myself without the press taking photos of me. I need some privacy! 

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