Tuesday 6 November 2012

Pre-Production Proposal

As part of our AS coursework in media we have to design and make our own music magazine. We have to design a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. I have decided to do my music magazine on the music genre pop. Therefore inside my magazine I will be including articles on all different pop artists e.g. Beyoncé, One Direction etc. On the front cover of magazine I intend to have Beyoncé replica all dressed in black and then to have my cover story written in gold; ‘The new Beyoncé?’ all on a purple background then my double page spread will be an article on this new up and coming star. I will have a long shot of her on one side of the page being happy and on the other page there will be another longshot of her being upset and the article will be about the ups and downs of fame.  As we can see from this my target audience will be teenagers to young adults this is because I feel like there is a gap in the market as most companies go for either or, not both.

In the research process I looked into different magazines to see how they had everything laid out and looked at the house style to see if it carried on all the way through the magazine. I then looked into the main cover image like how the images have been taken, how they are laid out on the page and the type of images used. I compared different pop magazines that are already out there like, top of the pops and we love pop to make sure I am including the right information.

To make my magazine I will be using state of the art cameras, laptops/computers where I will hire out a suite, Photoshop and other major design programs. For this project I will have a budget of £5000.        


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